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Monday, January 10, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

CCR / Steve Bartol

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

It's amazing how many people put on a good act, but their hearts are so far from God. they profess they know God but there is no mercy or understanding, they live in the past, not onlt their own, but others as well. None of us are perfect, but thank God God doesn't or we all would be doomed. A person can actually make it in the music industry, but why would we want to be singing as a trained seal or a puppet, if it is not necessary. I for one have been very disappointed by soooo many paople to claim to be one thing but the reality is thay are very lost. Live for your heart, and you will not submit to your fleshly desires.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Positive Attitude

Good Morning,  well I am off to the race to win the prise of the Highest calling.  Helping others to attain their dreams one step at a time,  Set some daily goals, write them down, weekly goals, monthly, quarterly, and then yearly, 2 years, 5years, then ultimate purpose for your life, what you would like someone to read, when it's all said and done.  Be faithful to God by being honest with others, and yourself.  True worshippers of God worship in Spirit and Truth.  God Bless you on your journey. One Day at a time. Be consistant in doing the right thing, and it will all work out. Attitude is everything. Where one door shuts, another one opens.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bring in the Gold

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nGgvFt2OVQ  THE GREAT HORSEMAN RIDES AGAIN

Get the possie together

We gotta catch these Bellamy Brothers
Get the horses

If I said you Had a Beautiful Body

Ride on Bellamy Brothers.  Who are those guys?

Bellamy Brothers

Let's Gallup through the Internet together.  Who sayd it's not fun to ride a horse.

" IT'S A DRY HEAT " by Steve Bartol

Ride on with  THE GREAT HORSEMAN  through the internet


YouTube - The Bellamy Brothers - Jalapenos

YouTube - The Bellamy Brothers - Jalapenos

YouTube - Chelsea Field @ 4th Street Live w/ Easton Corbin

YouTube - Chelsea Field @ 4th Street Live w/ Easton Corbin